Monday, February 4, 2008


I'd like to use this page to teach and learn a thing or two about networking and network management.

The thing that always keeps me coming back to teaching someone something new is the wide eyed look of insight people get when something clicks. I'm rarely the cause of that reaction but when it happens it feels great.

For those that know me I guess it only makes sense that my first post should be about my dog Matilda. My fiancee and I went to Cape May this weekend as we needed a break from the world. While we were there we walked along the beach and picked up a couple of shells to carry back home.

When we got home Matilda greeted us with her usual enthusiastic ways. I put a particularly large shell to her nose and watched as her eyes grew large like saucers and her sniffs became insistent. I realized that she had never been to the beach and never smelled the ocean. How wonderful it is to see that moment when someone else gets it and learns something new.

"That's the ocean big girl - i'll take you soon."

Let's see if we can get some of that wide eyed amazement flowing out of here.